🙈 Transparency Post 🙊 On Friday, I shared with all of you how my stomach is one of my biggest insecurities. The picture on the left is what my stomach looked like after having lost 80lbs. I was the smallest I’d ever been in my adult life, I monitored every piece of food that went into my mouth, I did cardio 5-6 times a week and lifted 5-6 times a week. My level of commitment was intense. Borderline psychotic. I was so disappointed that I had worked so hard and fought so hard to become this version of myself only to have this constant remirnder of the 10+ years (from when my mom died forward) that I found comfort in food. I got so much attention from guys everywhere I went because I exuded an enormous amount of confidence - with clothes on. But the thought of being in even a two piece bathing suit was out of the question. I always joked that I was complete false advertising with clothes on. I looked like I had this tiny body, flat stomach and big boobs because I wore ...
Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired? Did you know that you're not supposed to be tired all the time? Your body shouldn't be in pain all the time. There's a reason why you're feeling the way you're feeling. It's poor gut health! Look at this list of symptoms. How many do you struggle with? Asthma Blurred vision Brain fog Chronic pain Chronic fatigue Chronic heartburn Cold hands and feet Colitis Constipation Cramping Cravings for sweets Cystitis Depression Diarrhea Distention and bloating Dizziness Earaches Endometriosis Food & chemical sensitivies Food cravings Gastritis Hay fever Headaches Hives, rash Hypoglycemia Inability to concentrate Increased body hair Itchy ears Joint pain and stiffness Kidney and bladder infections Loss of sex drive Memory loss Menstrual irregularities Mood swings Numbness and tingling PMS Prostate irritation Sensitivity to alcohol Sinusitis Sl...