🙈 Transparency Post 🙊 On Friday, I shared with all of you how my stomach is one of my biggest insecurities. The picture on the left is what my stomach looked like after having lost 80lbs. I was the smallest I’d ever been in my adult life, I monitored every piece of food that went into my mouth, I did cardio 5-6 times a week and lifted 5-6 times a week. My level of commitment was intense. Borderline psychotic. I was so disappointed that I had worked so hard and fought so hard to become this version of myself only to have this constant remirnder of the 10+ years (from when my mom died forward) that I found comfort in food. I got so much attention from guys everywhere I went because I exuded an enormous amount of confidence - with clothes on. But the thought of being in even a two piece bathing suit was out of the question. I always joked that I was complete false advertising with clothes on. I looked like I had this tiny body, flat stomach and big boobs because I wore ...
When I considered doing Smart Lipo, I couldn't find a single real life experience on it. I decided to start my own to help others who are deciding for themselves if this is the right choice for them.