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The Thighs - Have To Go!

I’ve decided that I am definitely going to get the SmartLipo procedure done on my inner thighs. I am so unhappy with them and nothing I’ve done for the past 4 years has made any significant impact. I’ve been running, cycling, stair machine, strict diets and even had a personal trainer for an hour three times a week for three months – I’ve still got seriously fatty inner thighs. I’ve reached the point that I just don’t know what else to do but elect for plastic surgery.

When I think about how big my thighs were when I was heavy, I really shouldn’t complain about how tone 75% of my legs are. I tried to find a picture that would show you just how bad it was .. I found this one from when I was in the Dominican Republic in 2004. I seriously just started crying.

How do you let yourself get that big? How do you not see what is happening to your body? It seriously disgusts me that I ever let that happen to myself. I can blame being depressed from the death of my mom, but ultimately, I choose to eat the way I did. My mom was constantly on me about eating well. Clearly, it didn’t register.

Moving on to the topic at hand, I decided I’ll go ahead and post my “before” pictures even though I haven’t decided when I am going to get the procedure done. All I know is, with clothes on, this is serious false advertising :)

When you creep the shorts up, it’s a very different story.

I can’t believe I’m posting this. Putting your biggest insecurity out there for the world to see is a little overwhelming. At least when I posted my “before” picture of my stomach, I had a nice “after” picture with a flat tummy. For now, this is how the thighs are and will remain until I decide when to take the time off work and when I want to drop the $1800 on the procedure.

You can see the left thigh (when looking at the picture) has a very distinct bulge of fat. It’s not as obvious on the right but it is still there. I probably should have taken one from the side to show how much it sticks out. I think having my stomach done made my thighs seem that much more prominent. I can’t even wear size 12 shorts because the thighs don’t fit. I wear size 12 jeans because the 10′s don’t fit around my thighs. It’s extremely depressing.

I have some fat on the outer thighs, but not enough that the doctor is willing to touch it. I think that once I get rid of the inner thigh, I’ll be more motivated to hit the weights. Since I’ve had my stomach done, I’ve been doing ab exercises every day because I know that it’s only going to help with the skin issues.

I really wish that shows like “The Biggest Loser” were more honest about the impact losing 100+ pounds has on your skin. For some people, who have been heavy for years, they’ve lost a lot of elasticity. Why do people talk around the issue? Why do they not want to share their stories? This is life – it’s real – it happens.

I’m not proud of who I used to be, but I am proud of the person I have become. I have worked very hard to lose this weight and I have earned the right to fine tune it through plastic surgery or whatever means I choose. There are still only a handful of people who know that I’ve had my stomach done. I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what I choose to do, how I choose to live my life, the decisions that I make for myself. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I choose not to open the door to hear them. This is about me – no one else.


  1. There’s really nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have our own body problems, and it’s very much okay to share it. You’re very brave, and I admire you for doing it. You are still beautiful, no matter what. So, have you finally decided when to get the procedure done? Do some research first while you’re still thinking things through, in order for you to be aware of how to recover fast from the surgery you're planning to undergo. Good luck!

    Jacinto Hukle


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