Here are a series of pictures that I took the night before the procedure. The first procedure was done on Monday and focused on my mid section from the belly button up to under my ribs. The doctor also did my back so as to have the best results possible.
So many people think I'm crazy because I complain about my body all the time .. particularly how much I hate my thighs. No one understands why. I've always been pretty good at buying clothes that hide the parts of my body that I hate.
These pictures should make it clear why I feel the way that I do!

I have a bit of a boyish shape - very square. The doctor said that with the focus being above the belly button, she could help give me more of an hour glass shape.
My biggest issue is with my left thigh. If the left thigh looked like the right thigh, I probably would have just deal with it. But I cannot stand how there are clumps of fat on my inner thigh.
I have little to no fat on my outer thighs, which is surprising. All those years of running has done me some good, but it hasn't done anything for the inner thighs.
The turning point for me was really when the dress code at work changed and we were required to wear business attire on a daily basis. I cannot tell you the number of dress pants that I tried on that looked HORRIFIC. It went from a "flat" stomach to having my inner thighs sticking out. I decided that I couldn't deal anymore so I made the appointment.
I know there will be people who will disagree with my choice. I have already had a friend asked me if I am addicted. Anyone who knows the amount of pain that you endure going through this would never assume you were addicted. Every day I questioned if I really wanted to put myself through this again. I knew it was going to be really bad. Ultimately, I decided that I was worth it. I could handle the pain and I would be happier once this was all over with.
More to come!
So many people think I'm crazy because I complain about my body all the time .. particularly how much I hate my thighs. No one understands why. I've always been pretty good at buying clothes that hide the parts of my body that I hate.
These pictures should make it clear why I feel the way that I do!
I have a bit of a boyish shape - very square. The doctor said that with the focus being above the belly button, she could help give me more of an hour glass shape.
My biggest issue is with my left thigh. If the left thigh looked like the right thigh, I probably would have just deal with it. But I cannot stand how there are clumps of fat on my inner thigh.
I have little to no fat on my outer thighs, which is surprising. All those years of running has done me some good, but it hasn't done anything for the inner thighs.
The turning point for me was really when the dress code at work changed and we were required to wear business attire on a daily basis. I cannot tell you the number of dress pants that I tried on that looked HORRIFIC. It went from a "flat" stomach to having my inner thighs sticking out. I decided that I couldn't deal anymore so I made the appointment.
I know there will be people who will disagree with my choice. I have already had a friend asked me if I am addicted. Anyone who knows the amount of pain that you endure going through this would never assume you were addicted. Every day I questioned if I really wanted to put myself through this again. I knew it was going to be really bad. Ultimately, I decided that I was worth it. I could handle the pain and I would be happier once this was all over with.
More to come!
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